


all versions of for and while loops support both break and continue


x = 1
while(x == 1)




for <var> = <start> while <end condition> step <expr>



for i = 0 while i < 10 step 1


Step Variable

Is not required. The Parser assumes 1

for i = 0 while i < 10


for (short version)


for i = 0 while< 10


Equvalent End Condition without shortend syntax i < 10


while= : operator ==
while! : operator !=
while< : operator <
while> : operator >
while<= : operator <=
while>= : operator >=



foreach <value> in <collection>



foreach loop on an array

A = [] //Create new Array
A[0] = "Value1"
A[1] = "Value2"
foreach v in A


foreach loop on new array containing keys of table T

T = {}
T["Key1"] = "Value1"
T["Key2"] = "Value2"
foreach key in keys(T)

foreach loop on the keys of the table, skips list allocation but does not allow removing of entries

T = {}
T["Key1"] = "Value1"
T["Key2"] = "Value2"
foreach key in T

foreach loop on key and value pairs

T = {}
T["Key1"] = "Value1"
T["Key2"] = "Value2"
foreach (key, value) in T

Special Cases

The user may create custom objects that can be enumerated on.

range operator in a for loop

foreach i in 1..4 //range 1(inclusive) to 4(inclusive)


GetCurrent/MoveNext Enumerator Methods can be used to allow custom objects to be enumerated on. Those objects are one time use only unless their inner state is reset.

class RangeEnumerator
    _from = 0
    _to = 0
    _current = 0
    function RangeEnumerator(!from, !to)
        _from = from
        _to = to
        _current = _from - 1

    function MoveNext()
        _current += 1 //Increase current
        if(_current > _to)
            return false
        return true
    function GetCurrent() => return _current;

foreach i in new RangeEnumerator(1, 4) //Create new range object


GetEnumerator Method can be used to create reusable enumerable objects by saving the initial state and constructing the enumerator in GetEnumerator()

class Range
    _from = 0
    _to = 0
    function Range(!from, !to)
        _from = from
        _to = to

    function GetEnumerator() => return new RangeEnumerator(_from, _to);

r = new Range(1, 4)
foreach i in r //Calls GetEnumerator() implicitly
